Investigators: Yan Liu; Peter Kuhn; James Hicks; Jorge Nieva
Category: 2017
Investigators: Stephen Gruber; Fei Sha
Investigators: Yong Zhang; Heinz-Josef Lenz
Investigators: Akil Merchant M.D.; Parkash Gill M.D.; Peter Kuhn Ph.D.; Imran Siddiqi MD Ph.D.
Innovation: developing an imaging technique to study immune cells and understand their connection to tumors
Clinical significance: gain insights into immune response for patients being treated with immuno-oncology agents
Investigators: Nicos Petasis Ph.D.; Stan Louie Ph.D.; Heinz-Josef Lenz M.D.
Innovation: developing non-cytotoxic small molecules that cause tumor death through suppression of inflammation
Clinical significance: provides a new treatment for colon cancer and other inflammation-related cancers
Investigators: Noah Malmstadt Ph.D.; Robert Seeger M.D. M.S.; Muller Fabbri M.D. Ph.D.; Ambrose Jong Ph. D.; Alan Wayne M.D.
Innovation: develop a new, automated, large-scale device for purifying NK EVs and characterize their ability to kill human ALL and NB cell lines in vitro and cell lines and patient derived xenografts
Clinical significance: new approach to the treatment of cancer that may be effective against a wide array of malignancies in children and adults